My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note
Make me your radio
Turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
Just sing along to my stereo
this song is STEREO HEART , by GYM Class heroes and Adam Levine
Hey People! u know that there is a new HOT TOY in town?! THE PYSSLA? i bet you are wondering what so big deal about this pyssla thingy , and what is it all about! its actually beads =)these are my favourite craft – melting tiny polyethylene beads to make little shapes and pictures. YOU CAN GET IT FROM IKEA! Toy'R'Us if i am not mistaken =) do ask around and FYI the beads do not come with the mold! u must buy the mold seperately!

this is my creation =)
another creation of mine
Here are some other designs u can make out of pyssla beads!!!! WATCH AND LEARN!!! ;) count the beads please!!! if not the shape won't turn out right!

Stay Tune to more Fun and Exciting stuff =)
Peace Out
-signing out-
0 Crystalbebe 0
PS:There will be a cheerleading nationals competition 2011 happening this Sunday 24th July 2011 at Putra Indoor Stadium , Bukit Jalil.Starting time is 9am-6pm =) Entrance Fee Is FREE! Bring as much friends as you can to come and get Hype Up with the best in MALAYSIA!
approx how many creations can you make with tub of ikea beads? I am planning a camp craft for about 60 children and need to know how many to buy