Thursday, December 24, 2009

PMR collection day <3

today for all form3 it is our DEATH DATE!!!!!
we are collecting our results on this day . at first everyone wasn't really scared or anything!!! We were just like chilling and when people ask us if we are nervous we just went like NAHHHH!!!!! TAK ADE FEELING PUN!!!
then when all the teachers come down and start giving out the result paper we were like OMG OMG I AM SO SCARED!!! SHIT!!!! >0<''
it was almost my turn we were lining up... when it is poyee's turn , and she just told me i only aim for 2 A... i just went like WTF!!!! u r so smart how can u say that!!
and Mr. Paneer told poyee 'Don't worry u got full A's .' everyone just went like jumping around WOOOO!!!!!and she just cried in front of everyone :D i was happy for her but then it is my turn after her...
i was shaking and holding on to rouselynn's shirt so tightly!!
and i just went like covering my eyes i told Mr. Paneer if it is not good i don't want it i only want it when it is good ;D
and he gave me the paper....i went like OMFG!!!! 7 damn A's and 1B(chinese) wohooo BOO yeah!!! yesh baybeh yesh baybeh i went like shuffle-ing for a few min and jumping around screaming yes yes yes wohooo!!!everyone look at me like WTF is her effin problem!!!jeezz get out of the way ;D i was so happy i called my cousin and lied to her i got 5 A's then i lied to my mom i got 2A's then i lie to joie and i lie to Reek ;D haha!!!!
i am so happy ....well oh i left out i lied to my teacher too hahaha!!!!
well i really done a lot of lie-ing today...i hope Santa will still grant me my wish ;D
after that we all went for bowling then i went to pav with my cousin to shop it was really happy today :) i just wish u were here to share my happiness

-signing off for today- ♥

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